Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Question Of The Week

Q; A gaggle of 8th grade boys are looking for fantasy or science fiction to read. They are really good readers.What would you reccomend and why?

A:I would recommend fun reads like chapter books that are actually fantasy's.For example theres a good book that almost everybody knows thats titled "WINNIE THE POOH".I read it once and its really nice.Its about a bear named ''Winnie the pooh" who has a bunch of friends. The book has alot of little stories of situations Winnie The Pooh had to go through but he always found a happy solution.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The History Of Saint Valentines

O EM GEE!!!! Valentine is almost here!!! The day of love and friendship.Bu most people focus on the day and not the meaning.The history of Saint Valentines is that he was a priest.He was a priest from Rome. His name was Saint Valentine.He married young couples against the wish of the emperor. He was beheaded for his own deeds on February the 14th.Everyone see Valentines day as some day were you give out flowers ,teddy bears, ect.But the truth is that no one sees the history behind all the Special days.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Question Of The Week

Q: A 6th grade math teacher wants to give her students some math puzzles,riddles, ect for extra credit. Where can she find some? What is the call number for math books in the nonfiction section?

A: Maybe she can go to the schools library catalog and search the books she needs there.
Type in the word math books and puzzles.Right the number down of the call number of the book and look for it.